23 February, 2023
Riot has released a new set of skins for League of Legends, which have a gothic and fantasy aesthetic.
19 February, 2023
Patch 13.3 is crowded with jungler carried games, ganking a lane every few seconds, how does this impact the current meta? Read all about it here.
16 February, 2023
Riot is developing a brand-new skin tier in an effort to increase generate more revenue from in-game cosmetics.
09 February, 2023
DoinB just revealed the region where professional League of Legends players are paid better than anywhere else.
05 February, 2023
After remaining silent for the whole 2022 League of Legends season, Riot has finally opened their hand about game-modes.
02 February, 2023
The MAD Lions E-sports team recently released a 'Konektiv' tribute, causing outrage amongst now former fans!