Terms of Use below outline how you may access and use the website and services on GGBoost.com.
GGBoost.com is owned and operated by:
Achievement Oriented Entertainment Pte. Ltd.
SINGAPORE (038987)
Registration Number 201820699H
1.1. - Please be aware of the terms and conditions when using our website and our service. The use of our website confines you to the terms and conditions on this page. You are fully responsible for being aware of our terms and abiding by throughout the use of our website and/or service.
1.2. - If you wish to decline our terms and conditions, please contact us and explain your reasoning.
1.3. - GGBoost.com is hosted under the website https://ggboost.com. No other website has a direct connection with GGBoost.com.
1.4. - Any and all unauthorized parties or employees are forbidden from using our service. The customer or attempted customer accepts all risks and agrees to defend, hold harmless, and compensate GGBoost.com for any claims by the unauthorized in regard to intellectual property owned by the unauthorized.
1.5. - GGBoost.com claims no association, no endorsement and no affiliation with Riot Games, Respawn Entertainment and Valve Corporation.
1.6. - GGBoost.com claims no ownership of Riot Games, Respawn Entertainment, Valve Corporation or any affiliates intellectual property. All copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective owners. The customer acknowledges that GGBoost.com has no affiliation with Riot Games, Respawn Entertainment and Valve Corporation. The customer acknowledges that GGBoost.com claims no ownership of Riot Games, Respawn Entertainment, Valve Corporation or other parties intellectual property.
1.7. - The content on this site and all extensions of this site is shown as is and without a warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent allowed in regards to the law, GGBoost.com, reject all warranties implied or expressed, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose. In relation to all services, GGBoost.com is solely providing a service to the customer; no goods, property, or any extension of a physical product are being sold by GGBoost.com. Our website and service makes no claim to the title regarding any of the unauthorized intellectual property and are simply acting as a third-party transferee of the property among the unauthorized and the customer; once the payment is received by GGBoost.com, and the promised services are completed by the aforementioned, the customer will take GGBoost.com’s place as a user of unauthorized intellectual property to the limit allowed by the unauthorized. At the end of any transaction between the customer and GGBoost.com, the customer will assume that GGBoost.com, functions merely as a licensee of the unauthorized to use its intellectual property and grants GGBoost.com indemnity from the entire business dealing. GGBoost.com, claims no title to any intellectual property interests held by the unauthorized nor the customer; and except those, if any, granted by the unauthorized, no intellectual properties are being transferred to the customer by GGBoost.com.
2.1. - GGBoost.com is not associated with Riot Games or any other unauthorized entity in any shape or form. GGBoost.com warns all stakeholders and potential stakeholders to refrain from violating, infringing, or making any illegal action regarding intellectual property rights held by Riot Games or any other unauthorized entity.
2.2. - By entering our website, or any extension of our website / service, including downloading and/or observing content on any platform which serves as an extension of our website or service, you declare under penalty of perjury, that you are not employed or affiliated with Riot Games and their respective affiliates and subsidiaries.
2.3. - By purchasing or using our service, or any service included under GGBoost.com, you the customer acknowledge that you understand the services which you are purchasing, and that you are responsible for accurately providing the necessary in-game information for us to complete and process your order.
2.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that by purchasing a boosting service from our company, you are not eligible for buyer protection under Paypal or any other financial institutions. Any dispute must be mediated through our support system. If you, the customer, open a dispute with Paypal, or another financial institution regarding our service, you are in violation of our terms of service. The company reserves the right to pursue action against customers who file disputes or chargebacks, including adding the customer’s information to a bad buyers list, and releasing their information to third parties.
2.5. - GGBoost.com reserves the right to pursue legal action against individuals committing financial fraud relating to the purchase of services on our website.
2.6. - You, the customer, accept that if you start a chargeback you are in direct breach of GGBoost.com’s terms of use, and legally bound to either close the chargeback or pay back the same amount in addition to a fee determined by GGBoost.com, no less than $50 and no more than twice the original amount. Should you fail to abide by either option, you, the customer, accept full liability in a court of law as determined by the European Trade Laws.
2.7. - You, the customer, accept that if you open a claim after the order has gone through or the service has started or been completed, you are in direct breach of GGBoost.com’s terms of use, and legally bound to either close the claim or pay back the same amount in addition to a fee determined by GGBoost.com, no less than $50 and no more than three times the original amount if the order placed cost more than $50. Should you fail to abide by either option, you, the customer, accept full liability in a court of law as determined by the European Trade Laws.
2.8. - You, the customer, accept that your bill will be sent to a debt collectors agency if you chargeback a payment for a service that has been completed, and you accept that you will have to pay extra fees covering both the collectors agency and any other unforeseen costs in regards to your chargeback.
2.9. - When purchasing an order, you are eligible for a refund within 48 hours of its purchase, this applies if a booster did not start working in your account within the given time. You can request this refund directly on Live Customer Support.
2.10. - You, the customer, accept that once your purchase has gone through and the service has started, you are no longer eligible to receive a refund. If service is not completed by GGBoost.com you have the right to receive store credit fitting what is missing from your service.
2.11. - You, the customer, accept that once your purchase has gone through and a booster has been assigned, you are no longer eligible to receive a refund. If service is not completed by GGBoost.com you have the right to receive store credit fitting what is missing from your service.
2.12. - Orders that were not completed within the giving season duration are processed accordingly with point 2.11. In the giving case of a booster proceeding to start it but not being able to finish it within season time, we will issue a partial refund, accordingly.
2.13. - Customers Reserve the right to watch and spectate any game during the process and ask any doubts only directly to GGBoost.com Contacts.
2.14. - Customers Reserve the right when applying to a Duo queue Service or a Coaching Service the privilege of specific language to communicate while applying the Service, taking in consideration our available languages, and if in any case the language is not available, to ask for a translator.
2.15. - Customers Reserve the right to purchase the Service of Elo Boost, Duo Queue's and Coaching held by GGBoost.com, consisting in the rise of the amount of elo, the number of duos queues or the number of hours to coach selected under the Summoner Name that customer provided in the Web Form that GGBoost.com, gives after the payment is done, if and only after reading the terms and conditions the customer is qualified to apply to the service.
2.16. - You, customer accept that if GGBoost.com is aware of the rank you purchase does not match the exact rank you currently have under your ingame name, You, the customer accept and authorize the service to be converted to store credits.
2.17. - You, customer accept responsibility for losing order progress due to your logins and or played games after the service is purchased.
2.18. - You, customer accept that you will not be playing any ranked games after the service is purchased and that if you do, we reserve the right to announce the boost as completed.
2.19. - You, customer accept that the boosters reserve the right to edit account preferences, such as key bindings or other ingame related options in their pursuit to complete the service.
2.20. - You, the customer, accept that 'tips' or 'gifts' given to our employees are non-refundable and non-convertible to store credits.
2.21. - You, the customer, accept that if after purchasing an order you show inactivity for 28 days or more and do not show interest in terminating the service, we will close it and have it as processed.
2.22. - Solo boosting goes against the Riot terms of service. This can result in possible actions taken against your account. We take every precaution necessary to ensure your safety, but ultimately, we are not responsible for any actions taken against your account.
2.23. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the Cashback feature on GGBOOST will provide an immediate percentage of the total paid value in the form of store credits redeemable for future purchases.
2.24. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the percentage value in point 2.23 is subject to change at any time based on marketing policies.
2.25. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the paid value mentioned in point 2.23 does not include store credits or tips/gifts for the purposes of calculating cashback. The paid value comprises only the actual amount of money expended.
2.26. - You, the customer, acknowledge that store credits earned in a particular Cashback-enabled payment will be removed from your account if that payment is refunded.
3.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your LP gain is less than 14LP per win in solo or duo division services, we reserve the right to convert remaining funds of your order into store credits or net wins on your current tier and division using the per win calculator on GGBOOST.com, according to your preference.
3.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if, on average, your LP loss is at least double the value of your LP gains in solo or duo division services, we reserve the right to convert remaining funds of your order into store credits or net wins on your current tier and division using the per win calculator on GGBOOST.com, depending on your preference.
3.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your KDA is less than 1.6 in any Duo Division or Duo Net Win Service, we reserve the right to convert your order into Duo Games at the value of your order.
3.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that GGBOOST reserves the right to convert the value of a solo net win or duo net win service into store credits when the current rank is at least 2 divisions above the initial rank, except in Diamond 4 or higher where the same procedure may occur 1 division above the initial rank.
3.5. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the store credits granted in Section 3.4 are equal to the full amount of the initial order if the net win counter is equal to or less than zero at the time of conversion. If the net win counter is greater than 0 at the time of conversion, store credits are valued according to the number of missing net wins.
3.6. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the following is the minimum number of Solo Placements and Duo Placements wins required before compensation is triggered from Unranked Placements to Diamond I Placements. 4 wins out of 5 games, 3 wins out of 4 games, 2 wins out of 3 games, 1 win out of 2 games and 0 wins out of 1 game.
3.7. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the following is the minimum number of Solo Placements and Duo Placements wins required before compensation is triggered in Master Placements and Grandmaster Placements. 3 wins out of 5 games, 2 wins out of 4 games, 2 wins out of 3 games, 1 win out of 2 games and 0 wins out of 1 game.
3.8. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements displayed in 3.6 and 3.7 is of 2 Net Wins per loss below our minimim win ratio guaranteed up to Emerald I and 1 Net Win per loss below our minimim win ratio guaranteed in Diamond IV or higher.
3.9. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements, as displayed in 3.8, is awarded in the form of store credits equal to the value of the awarded compensation at the time.
4.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that no compensation is owed if a minimal average of third place is achieved in five, four, or three TFT Rank Solo Placement Games. For different numbers of Rank Placement Games, the minimum average guaranteed without compensation is as follows: for two games, at least fourth place is guaranteed, but for one game, there are no minimum guarantees.
4.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that no compensation is owed if a minimal average of second place is achieved in five, four, three or two TFT Double Up Solo or Duo Placement Games. For a single TFT Double Solo or Duo Placement Game, there are no minimum guarantees.
4.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that, per point 4.1 and 4.2, if the minimum goal is not met, you will receive one TFT division for each place below the minimum goal.
4.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation displayed in 4.3 for TFT Placements is awarded to the same account and customer who purchased the service immediately following the completion of the TFT Placements.
5.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if, on average, your RR loss is at least double the value of your RR gains in solo or duo division services, we reserve the right to convert remaining funds of your order into store credits or net wins on your current tier and division using the per win calculator on GGBOOST.com , depending on your preference.
5.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your KDA is less than 0.5 in any Duo Division or Duo Net Win Service, we reserve the right to convert your order into Duo Games at the value of your order.
5.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that GGBOOST reserves the right to convert the remaining funds of a solo net win or duo net win service into store credits when the current rank is at least 2 divisions higher than the starting rank, except in Ascendant 1 or higher, where the same procedure may occur 1 division higher.
5.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the store credits granted in Section 5.3 are equal to the full amount of the initial order if the net win counter is equal to or less than zero at the time of conversion. If the net win counter is greater than 0 at the time of conversion, store credits are valued according to the number of missing net wins.
5.5. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the following is the minimum number of Solo Placements and Duo Placements wins required before compensation is triggered. 4 wins out of 5 games, 3 wins out of 4 games, 2 wins out of 3 games, 1 win out of 2 games and 0 wins out of 1 game.
5.6. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements for a number of wins below the minimum displayed in point 5.5 is 1 Net Win per additional loss in Solo Placements and Duo Placements.
5.7. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the Solo Placements and Duo Placements compensation displayed in Section 5.6 is awarded to the same Account and Queue from which you, the customer, purchased the service.
6.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your VP gain is below 13LP per win in solo or duo division services, we reserve the right to convert remaining funds of your order to store credits or into net wins on your current tier and division using the per win calculator on GGBOOST.com, based on your preference.
6.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your KDA is less than 1.6 in any Duo Division or Duo Net Win Service, we reserve the right to convert your order into Duo Games at the price of your order.
6.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that GGBOOST reserves the right to convert the remaining value of a solo net win or duo net win service into store credits when the present rank is at least one division above the starting rank.
6.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the following is the minimum number of Solo Placements and Duo Placements triumphs required before compensation is triggered. 7 wins from 10 matches, 6 wins from 9 matches, 5 wins from 8 matches, 4 wins from 7 matches, 4 wins from 6 matches, 3 wins from 5 matches, 2 wins from 4 matches, 2 wins from 3 matches, 1 win from 2 matches, and 0 wins from 1 match.
6.5. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements for a number of wins below the minimum displayed in point 6.4 is 2 Net Wins per additional loss in Solo Placements and 1 Net Win per additional loss in Duo Placements.
6.6. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements, as displayed in Section 6.5, is awarded to the same Account, Queue, and Role that you, the customer, used to purchase the service.
7.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if, on average, your rank loss is at least double the value of your rank gains in solo or duo services, we reserve the right to convert remaining funds of your order into store credits or net wins on your current rank using the per win calculator on GGBOOST.com, depending on your preference.
7.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that if your average Kill/Death ratio is less than 0.5 in any Duo Rank Boost or Duo Net Win Service, we reserve the right to convert your initial order value into store credits.
7.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that GGBOOST reserves the right to convert the remaining funds of a Premier Queue solo net win or duo net win service into store credits when the current rank is at least 1500 CS Rating higher than the starting rank, except in 20000 CS Rating or higher, where the same procedure may occur 1000 CS Rating above the initial.
7.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the store credits granted in Section 7.3 are equal to the full amount of the initial order if the net win counter is equal to or less than zero at the time of conversion. If the net win counter is greater than 0 at the time of conversion, store credits are valued according to the number of missing net wins.
7.5. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the following is the minimum number of Solo Placements and Duo Placements wins required before compensation is triggered. 10 wins out of 15 games, 9 wins out of 14 games, 8 wins out of 13 games, 7 wins out of 10 games, 6 wins out of 9 games, 5 wins out of 7 games, 4 wins out of 6 games, 3 wins out of 4 games, 2 wins out of 3 games, 1 win out of 2 games and 0 wins out of 1 game.
7.6. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the compensation given in Solo Placements and Duo Placements for a number of wins below the minimum displayed in point 7.5 is 1 Net Win per additional loss in Solo Placements and Duo Placements.
7.7. - You, the customer, acknowledge that the Solo Placements and Duo Placements compensation displayed in Section 7.6 is awarded to the same Account and Queue from which you, the customer, purchased the service.
8.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that while participating in Duo Services, if your behavior is found to be non-cooperative towards the booster or the squad, manifested through intentional death, verbal abuse, or any form of game sabotage, we reserve the right to convert the remaining funds of your order into store credits equivalent to the value of your initial order.
8.2. - You, the customer, acknowledge that during Solo or Duo Provisional Games, no compensation is owed if your performance averages a placement of 2nd or better in a set of ten to three games. For sets of two games, an average placement of 4th is guaranteed without compensation. For a single game, there are no minimum placement guarantees.
8.3. - You, the customer, acknowledge that in the event your average placement in Solo or Duo Provisional Games falls below the guaranteed thresholds outlined in Section 8.2, compensation will be provided in the form of one free division for average placements below 2nd place, and two free divisions for average placements below 8th place.
8.4. - You, the customer, acknowledge that any compensation awarded as per Section 8.3 will be applied to the same Account from which the service was originally purchased.
9.1. - You, the customer, acknowledge that while participating in Duo Services, if your behavior is found to be non-cooperative towards the booster or the squad, manifested through intentional death, verbal abuse, or any form of game sabotage, we reserve the right to convert the remaining funds of your order into store credits equivalent to the value of your initial order.