September 04, 2023

Riot Games headquarters in LA: Entrance

The Nexus: Riot Games’ Headquarters and League of Legends Lore Within

Welcome to the Riot Games headquarters, a structure that not only houses the minds behind the gaming phenomenon known as League of Legends but also embodies the very essence of the game itself. Join GG Boost as we embark on a journey to explore Riot Games' headquarters and unravel the intricate tapestry of League of Legends references woven into its architecture and design.

Since its inception in 2006, Riot Games has found its home in the vibrant city of angels, Los Angeles. This dynamic city, known for its celebration of art and technology, aligns perfectly with Riot's core values and creative spirit. As Riot has expanded its horizons, venturing into multiple games, and embracing the world of entertainment, its LA campus has evolved as well. In this post, we'll take an immersive tour of Riot Games' West LA campus, where the worlds of gaming, innovation, and passion collide.

This campus serves as the central hub of operations for the company. It's the epicenter where Rioters gather to shape the future of gaming while keeping the player-focused vision at the forefront. The campus is not just a workplace; it's a source of inspiration, reflection, and relentless passion that fuels Riot's evolution.

The several buildings in the LA campus are marked with the letters “QWERTDFGH”, which, as you already know, are used in-game to cast spells and dominate your opponents!

 At Riot's campus, food isn't just sustenance; it's a creative experience. The pirate-themed Bilgewater Brew offers an array of coffee creations to kickstart your day or boost your energy levels after a long shift. For those seeking a balanced diet, the on-campus cafeteria, Noms, boasts a rotating menu designed with the guidance of dieticians. And for those in the mood for something refreshing, the smoothie bar next to the LCS Arena whips up fruity concoctions. Riot ensures its employees stay energized and focused on their mission.

 In a world where gaming and sedentary work can dominate the day, Riot Games' LA campus prioritizes physical well-being. Gyms and a basketball court are available to help offset the effects of all the delectable, fully subsidized food. And for those who like to hit the gym during the workday, showers are readily available to ensure a comfortable return to the office.

Riot Games headquarters in LA: Game room

As a gaming company, Riot Games encourages its employees to indulge in their passion for gaming. But in the halls of Riot, they call it "research." The campus boasts a PC Bang, a VR room, and a cabinet arcade to explore different facets of gaming.

There's also a general gaming area that spans the entire spectrum of gaming, from classics like Pong to the latest generation consoles. Here, gameplay is a natural part of the workday, fostering creativity and innovation.

The most impressive building however, might be Building F, the LCS Arena! This is where the magic happens, the place where your heroes take to the Summoner’s Rift and make dreams come true.

Every major LCS player has carried at least a dozen League of Legends matches here and the champions of champions even have their names carved into a great wall in the entrance!

 Riot Games' global presence continues to grow, and their Los Angeles campus is no exception. The campus is in a constant state of expansion, with new buildings set to open in 2022 and 2023. This expansion is a testament to Riot's commitment to bringing the best talent from around the world and boosting the future of gaming. Whether you're looking for a role at the LA campus or one of Riot's global offices, you might find yourself in the City of Angels for orientation—a process affectionately referred to as "Denewbification" or "Denewb" for short.

 Riot Games' West LA campus is more than just a workplace; it's a testament to the company's unwavering dedication to fostering creativity, innovation, and a player-focused approach. It's a place where dreams, technology, and gaming converge to shape the future of the industry. As Riot continues to evolve and expand, its Los Angeles campus will remain a beacon for talented individuals who share the same passion for gaming and dream-chasing that defines both Riot and the city it calls home.

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