August 30, 2023

League of Legends Season 2023 opening screen

Riot announced all the preseason and ranked changes and dates

League of Legends players, get ready for an exhilarating 2024 as Riot Games just unveiled some of the most significant updates to the Ranked gameplay system ever!

In a recent announcement, Riot detailed their plans to introduce three Ranked splits per year starting in 2024, along with a shift in the timeline for major gameplay changes.

These changes are aimed at making the competitive experience more engaging, consistent, and dynamic for players. Let's delve into the key aspects of these updates and their implications for the League of Legends community.


When is the 2023 ranked season ending?

According to Riot Brightmoon and Meddler, the second split of the 2023 season will end on January 3 of 2024.

Season 2024 Split 1 begins on January 9 of 2024.

Riot developers BrightMoon and Meddler

Three Ranked Splits

Starting next year, the League of Legends Ranked season will be divided into three distinct splits, extending the competitive experience throughout the entire year.
Riot’s new approach addresses the issue of players plateauing or losing interest halfway through the season. By adding three four-month splits, Riot aims to encourage players to maintain their engagement with Ranked mode.

Don’t worry, LP earnings and other aspects of the ranked ladder will be adapted to the new changes so you don’t have to grind every minute of your day, but if you feel that time is running short, we can help you reach your dream rank in no time with a League of Legends Elo Boost.

The ranked update not only benefits dedicated Ranked players who seek to play year-round but also gives flexibility to others who may want to take a break from the competitive grind without sacrificing their progress. Each split will provide a fresh opportunity to climb the ranks, ensuring that the competitive environment remains lively and ever-evolving.


Strategic Gameplay Changes

A significant advantage of the three-split system is the ability to introduce substantial gameplay changes without disrupting players' ongoing ranked journeys. Riot plans to implement larger gameplay adjustments at the start of each split, focusing on addressing significant issues and enhancing the overall health of the game. This way, they can create a balanced but dynamic and ever-changing environment for players to adapt and thrive within.

Moreover, launching gameplay changes at the beginning of the year ensures that players start the season on equal footing. This eliminates the issue of some players being more familiar with the new changes, creating a more leveled playing field and fostering a sense of collective exploration of the evolving meta, which the League community really needs.


Challenges and Solutions

While these updates promise to boost the League of Legends Ranked experience, they also come with potential risks. If done wrong, launching huge gameplay changes at the start of the Ranked season could lead to instability and imbalance. To mitigate this, Riot plans to release the changes on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) on November 20, allowing time for adjustments and pro player practice.


Riot acknowledged that feedback from players is crucial for fine-tuning gameplay changes and will even be removing Mythic Items on the new season, boosting the flexibility of builds across the roster, as almost half the champions in the game didn’t have a choice when it came to what to build anymore.

Riot will give priority to bug reports and comments from the players about specific features, but it also plans to carefully look at general feedback on major features. With this method, the goal is to find a middle ground between answering player issues and figuring out how changes in real-world gameplay affect the game.


Embracing the New Competitive Year

With the Preseason's gameplay shakeup moving to the end of the year, November and December are set to offer engaging opportunities for League players in the PBE while the ranked split and non-competitive game modes continue on until the start of 2024.

Riot's commitment to regular updates is stronger than ever and the consolidation of Preseason into January, mid-year changes in May, and smaller adjustments in September promises a steady cadence of improvements, showing that Riot was listening all along and are willing to do things properly.

As players gear up to embrace these changes, the League of Legends community can look forward to a year filled with intense competition, fresh challenges, and the opportunity to achieve greatness in the ever-evolving Summoner's Rift.

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