03 August, 2023
League of Legends Patch 13.15 is bringing tons of changes to the new 2v2v2v2 mode, Arena.
01 August, 2023
Valorant star player TenZhas been out of shape for a while, and fans are beggining to wonder when they will boost their squad with new blood.
30 July, 2023
In their most recent Dev Vlog, Riot revealed that they will boost the roster of their Junglers with a new champion before the end of the season!
28 July, 2023
Riot Games has recently announced they will be nerfing Kai'sa and a huge discussion erupted between Phreak and the League community.
25 July, 2023
Ever since Valorant was released, instalocking has been a nuisance and headache for the community. Recon Bolt was part of it.
23 July, 2023
Have you ever lost an account due to a scam or a ban? Today we're going to tell you everything you can do to boost your League of Legends account security!