20 July, 2023
The debut of two different ranked splits is the biggest change in Season 2023, making way for a rank reset midway through the year.
18 July, 2023
Using Think Fast, professional Teamfight Tactics player DQA displayed one of the best APMs we've ever seen, but he was unable to reach the dream!
16 July, 2023
The 2022–2023 Valorant competitive season is coming to an end, and Riot Games wants to go all out with this year's Valorant Champions tournament.
13 July, 2023
Lightning never strikes twice, but it seems like it did for T1, as Faker's injury comes back to haunt the team.
11 July, 2023
The roster for the upcoming North American tournament, representing Disguised Toast's Valorant Game Changers, has been revealed.
09 July, 2023
Team Liquid nuked Doublelift, effectively ending the game for him and his squad and it didn't go unnoticed by fans.