26 February, 2023
League of Legends Champion Mastery Tokens will now be obtainable through ranking S or above in ARAM!
23 February, 2023
Riot has released a new set of skins for League of Legends, which have a gothic and fantasy aesthetic.
21 February, 2023
Riot Mortdog reacted to the top 1% Team Fight Tactics Ranked players' outrage regarding the new Lee Sin tank meta and Double Up being broken.
19 February, 2023
Patch 13.3 is crowded with jungler carried games, ganking a lane every few seconds, how does this impact the current meta? Read all about it here.
16 February, 2023
Riot is developing a brand-new skin tier in an effort to increase generate more revenue from in-game cosmetics.
14 February, 2023
Riot Games is set to release at least nine new titles in the near future!