August 18, 2024

Boosting your Valorant Winrates with Top Clove Smoke Spots on Pearl

Valorant Episode 9 Act 1 is nearly over, and you have less than 10 days to reach your dream rank and guarantee your seasonal rewards. Mastering the Pearl map with Clove is a game-changer that will help you reach that objective. Pearl is one of those maps where strategy really shines, and knowing the right smoke lineups can give you a serious edge. Whether you’re attacking or defending, having the best Clove smokes can be the difference between a win and a loss. Time to learn how to play Clove on Pearl and start boosting your gameplay.

Clove Smoke Lineups for Attackers on Pearl

When you’re on the offensive, your smoke placements can make or break your push. Here’s how you can dominate each site on Pearl as an attacker with Clove.

A Site

A Site is tricky because your enemies can come from three different locations. The first smoke you should drop is on A Link. This will block off any defenders rotating from Mid, giving your team more breathing room. After that, depending on where the defenders are positioned, you can either smoke A Flowers or A Secret. These smokes will help you cut off sightlines and boost your team’s chances of a successful push.

Valorant Pearl Sites

B Site

Pushing B Site? Focus on smoking B Hall and B Tower. These two spots are key areas where defenders like to hide and hold angles. By blocking these off, you give your team safe passage into the site and reduce the chances of getting picked off. Plus, these smokes are super handy if your team is pushing from Mid, covering common hiding spots for defenders.


When attacking Mid, your smokes should adapt to your push strategy. If you’re heading to B, smoke off A Art to ensure a smoother entry into B Link. But if A is your target, drop smokes on Mid Doors and Mid Connector. This setup creates a clear path for your team to get onto A Site with less resistance.

Clove Smoke Lineups for Defenders on Pearl

Playing defense on Pearl is all about control, and Clove’s smokes are your best tool for maintaining it. Here’s how to set up those perfect defensive smokes.

Valorant Pearl Smoke Map

A Site

A Main is where most attackers will try to push, so your first smoke should go there. If you hear footsteps or see them on the radar, block off A Main to slow them down. You can even boost the block time with a double up, placing another smoke when the first runs out to keep the area blocked for as long as possible. For a sneaky play, try placing a smoke on the small structure in the center of A Site. It creates a one-way view into A Main if you’re holding from A Secret, giving you a chance to pick off unsuspecting enemies.

B Site

Defending B Site means dealing with pushes from either B Main or Mid. If they’re coming from B Main, smoke the right side of the pillar. This forces attackers to push from a less favorable angle, giving you and your team better control of the site. If they’re pushing from Mid Doors, a well-placed smoke on B Link will slow them down and give your team time to rotate.


To keep control of Mid, focus on smoking Mid Shops and Mid Top. These areas offer strong angles for attackers, so blocking them off gives your team the upper hand. With these smokes in place, you’ll have a much easier time holding Mid and preventing the attackers from gaining ground.

The Clock is Ticking

Riot already confirmed the dates for the transition between Act 1 and 2 of the current Episode:

  • Valorant Episode 9 Act 1 - End Date: August 27, 2024
  • Valorant Episode 9 Act 2 - Release Date: August 27, 2024 or August 28 depending on your region.

You know what that means: with less than two weeks to reach your ranked goal, you’ll need a solid strategy. Pearl is a technical map, but with the right Clove smoke lineups, you can easily grind it to increase your rank in Valorant. Whether you’re attacking or defending, knowing where to place your smokes can give your team a huge advantage. Time to take your new strategy out for a test run. See you in Pearl!


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