Pro-players have received criticism from Phreak, who accused them of being unable to read patch notes.
Riot Games has recently announced they will be nerfing Kai'sa. Since many people believe that the announced Kai'Sa nerfs would not be enough, the public announcement of their inclusion in Patch 13.15 as they are has generated a very heated discussion. Most gamers agree that the champion is too much of a boost to her team and needs to be toned down a lot more. The nerfs have drawn a great deal of criticism online, and Phreak reacted very aggressively towards the League of Legends community.
David "Phreak" Turley, a well-known LoL game designer and former Caster, has voiced his displeasure with professional players, saying that they are "bad at reading patch notes and understanding them." when commenting on the community's reaction to the upcoming Kai'Sa nerfs, stating additional nerfs may follow in the future as a counterpoint.
Online criticism, memes, and complaints erupted once AP Kai'Sa's planned nerfs were revealed. Many community members, pro gamers, and influencers expressed their displeasure with the nerfs.
The Balancing Team's strategy is to lower the cooldown refund from 77% to 75% and the AP ratio on Kai'Sa's Q from 30% to 20%. While Kai'sa's W refresh was the biggest boost to her poke and damage output in general, this change might force her to take a much lower ranged approach in any fight. Additionally, her initial HP will drop from 670 to 640 due to a decrease in base health.
The numbers may make these adjustments seem insignificant, but former League of Legends cast member David "Phreak" Turley chastised everyone for failing to grasp the patch notes. Phreak outlined the reasoning behind the nerfs and their actual effects in the League of Legends Subreddit.
Phreak posted on Reddit:
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He claims that the Q adjustments were used to distinguish between the builds and give the AP build a weaker Q. The impact of the AP build will be reduced even further as a result of the W modification and the decreased likelihood of exploding five extra plasma stacks, making that damage boost much harder to achieve.
Phreak believes that Kai'Sa doesn't require a significant adjustment or nerf. Actually, he believes that Kai'Sa simply requires a 1–1.5% victory rate nerf. In his remarks, he makes some jabs at the League community and even professional athletes. He also hinted that Kai'Sa would see additional nerfs in the future.
The community's and others' reactions to Phreak's comments and any potential consequences of the upcoming Kai'Sa nerfs will be intriguing to watch. For the time being, we must wait and see how the initial set of nerfs will affect Kai'Sa's presence and win rate.
As the League of Legends World Championship gets near and everyone wants a balanced meta to enjoy a variety of champions, who knows how much more Riot will nerf Kai'sa and other unbalanced champions?
Stay tuned to find out!
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