July 30, 2023

Briar's leaked asset image

The developer behind Jhin is in charge of the newest champion, Briar.

In their most recent Dev Vlog, Riot revealed that they will boost the roster of their Junglers with a new champion before the end of the season!

The most recent champion, Naafiri, was only recently added to the live servers, and the League of Legends community couldn't be happier. The champion's kit is not overloaded with mechanics; her design is innovative and avoids the cliché aesthetic Riot had previously embraced; and, overall, it really does seem that Riot listened to the fans' opinions about their recent champions.

Because the Darkin dagger was released only a week ago, many people were under the impression that the next League of Legends champion wouldn't be released until much later. According to Riot's dev vlog, this is not the case! The brand new jungle champion will join the Summoner's Rift a lot sooner than we all expected.

Riot has provided us with some crucial information on the new jungler, Briar, as well as when we might be seeing her on the Rift. Let's go over the most important details right now so you won't be caught off guard when she finally makes her debut.

Riot August, the same person responsible for champions such as Jinx, Jhin, and Zeri, will be designing the newest jungler, Briar. August is working on making Briar a vampire. Now, the majority of people are curious as to whether Briar will be released in a state closer to Zeri's and be unbalanced, or whether she will be half as blessed as Jhin, who, to this day, continues to be regarded as a nearly perfect champion.

The Crimson Circle of Runeterra

Briar's lore is expected to be connected to Vladimir. It's good to know that Riot didn't forget the Hemomancers from their lore and that they'll boost Vlad's team with another champion. After all, what's a vampire without his ghouls?

When will the next League of Legends Champion be released?

Riot Brightmoon mentioned in a recent development vlog that players can expect to know all about Briar before the next patch is released, and the community is speculating that she might be released on PBE by then. If Briar is available in the Public Beta Environment by the time Riot Games' next Dev blog is published, we will still get to play with her in the current ranked season and even see her shine in our League of Legends Elo Boosting professionals' hands.

These Dev blogs come out on average about every month and a half, which means that we are confident that Briar will be released around League of Legends Patch 13.19 or 13.20, with her being on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) by the end of summer and beginning of fall.

Patch 13.18 for League of Legends is scheduled to be released on September 13, which indicates that the Public Beta Environment for this patch will go live around August 29.

Because Briar will most likely not be playable at the 2023 League of Legends World Championship, we will not be able to determine how well she performs in professional play until the start of the new professional LoL season (or the Demacia Cup), but it's thrilling to imagine what this champion will be able to do and what her complete toolkit will look like when she enters the Rift.

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