June 06, 2024

The Ultimate Bangalore Guide: Become an Apex Predator with a Bang!

Are you ready to boost your gameplay with Bangalore, one of the game's top-tier soldiers? Our comprehensive guide is here to help you master her abilities, strategies, and best practices. Whether you’re new to Apex Legends or a seasoned player, these tips and tricks will help you maximize Bangalore’s potential and lead your squad to victory.

Bangalore Skills and Abilities Breakdown

Bangalore is one of the original Legends in Apex Legends, making her a familiar face for many players. Her straightforward kit is perfect for beginners, but mastering it can lead you to the top ranks faster than you can say “Smoke Screen." Let’s break down her abilities:

Passive: Double Time

Bangalore gets a 30% move-speed boost for 2 seconds when taking fire while sprinting. Use this to escape gunfire, initiate fights, or reposition quickly.

Bangalore Rolling Thunder

Tactical Ability (Q): Smoke Launcher

Fire a smoke canister, which creates a cloud of smoke lasting about 20 seconds. This skill has two charges, and it’s perfect for creating cover, disorienting enemies, and aiding in tactical retreats.

Ultimate Ability (Z): Rolling Thunder

Call in an artillery strike that sweeps over an area, dealing 40 damage per hit and slowing enemies. It can be used to zone enemies, create diversions, or block escape routes.

Tips and Tricks for Playing as Bangalore

Bangalore’s passive, Double Time, is great for dodging bullets and making quick escapes. However, you can also use it offensively. Try baiting enemy shots by running out of cover, then using the speed boost to dodge and reposition. Just remember, it only lasts for 2 seconds, so use it wisely!

Bangalore is naturally aggressive, but you can also use her abilities defensively. Don’t hold onto Rolling Thunder, waiting for the perfect moment. Use it to control zones, create diversions, or force enemies into vulnerable positions. This strategic use of her ultimate can increase your effectiveness on the battlefield.

Use the Smoke

Pairing Bangalore with scanning Legends like Seer or Bloodhound can be extremely powerful. Use your Smoke Launcher to create a smokescreen, and then have your teammate scan for enemies. If you’re solo, equip a Digital Threat optic to see through your own smoke, giving you a huge advantage in the Apex Games.

Smoking yourself during battle is a common mistake. While useful for reviving or escaping, it can disorient you during a fight. Instead, aim to block the enemy’s vision by throwing smokes towards them. This tactic not only disrupts their line of sight but also keeps you aware of your surroundings.

Apex Legends Digital Threat

Time Your Skills

Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher has a 33-second cooldown, and each smoke lasts 23 seconds. If timed correctly, you can maintain continuous smokes with a 10-second window. Additionally, keep in mind that your smoke duration is roughly 12–13% of your ultimate charge, while the cooldown is about 18–19%. This knowledge helps you manage your abilities without constantly counting seconds.

You can outrun your own Rolling Thunder, making it a valuable tool for tactical retreats. Fire your ultimate, and keep running without looking back. Ensure you don’t slow down or hit obstacles to avoid getting caught in the blast. Mastering this timing can be a game-changer in tight situations.

Bangalore is a versatile and powerful Legend in Apex Legends, perfect for both beginners and experienced players. By mastering her abilities and implementing these tips, you can boost your gameplay and dominate the battlefield. Remember, the key to success with Bangalore is to use her skills strategically, adapting to the game's flow. Happy gaming, and may your victories be many!


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