October 20, 2023

Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage – Day 2: It's Civil War Across All Regions!

The League of Legends Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage Day 2 saw teams from the same region battle it out in classic rivalry matches. NRG vs. TL, MAD vs. BDS, Gen.G vs. T1, and JDG vs. BLG. The LCS, LEC, LPL, and LCK, all saw classic matches with two teams from the same region forcing another to end day 2 with at least one loss.

NRG vs. Team Liquid Honda

NRG showed why they’re the LCS #1 seed; just like back home, they beat TL with strategic prowess and a big gold advantage. Despite TL Pyosik’s efforts to boost the American team, it was not enough, and it’s clear that his squad wasn’t up to NRG’s level.

Cloud9 vs. Suzhou LNG Esports

Cloud9 started the match expertly, with amazing game presence, even denying the legendary LNG Scout and getting an early baron buff. Sadly for the LCS Champions, LNG managed to turn around a couple of teamfights and took the chance to build an advantage and siege C9. LNG ended up taking the win.

MAD Lions vs. Team BDS

Another region-locked match as both teams hail from the LEC. Despite a balanced start, with both teams familiar with each other’s strategies, the MAD Lions stayed ahead of the game, proving that the difference between 3rd and 4th place is real!

Team BDS stole a baron buff, but it wasn’t enough of a boost to get the comeback, as MAD took the drake soul, crushed the last team fight, and ended the game.

Fnatic vs. GAM Esports

GAM Esports had something to prove: the skirmish kings will not go down without a fight! Fnatic, on the other hand, is one of the most experienced teams on the international stage, having even won the first ever League of Legends Worlds.

The match was absolutely even, with the gold difference not going above 500 until the 14-minute mark. However, Fnatic were not joking around; they started destroying GAM, engage after engage, and FNC Noah deleted the enemy team as FNC made their way to the victory.

Gen.G vs. T1

It’s an LCK final all over again. Gen.G and T1 have one of the oldest rivalries in League of Legends’ competitive history. As T1 Faker got the first blood as Orianna, the crowd roared for the hometown hero.

T1 kept a gold advantage throughout the early game, but both teams showcased their amazing skills. The Unkillable Demon King, Faker, outperformed everyone with a ridiculous amount of damage dealt, but Gen.G slowly challenged the legendary T1. One good team fight is enough, and Gen.G established dominance once again after taking a Drake, followed by an Ace and a Baron buff.

All that was missing was a nail in the coffin, and a pick on T1’s jungler, Oner, caused Gen.G to take kill after kill, leaving only Faker alive.

Gen.G looked upstoppable now as they crushed the base and got a well-earned win.

G2 Esports vs. WeiboGaming FAW AUDI

This is what Worlds is all about!

In the match of the day, and probably the best match of the tournament so far, G2 and WBG pulled out the big guns and went all out! The advantage switched from one team to the other over and over again, with a Baron steal for G2, and a Drake soul for WBG. The highlight of the match is an amazing teamfight at 30 minutes when G2 Caps stacks the entire WBG squad with an incredible ultimate and effectively turns it around!

After Caps nearly gets an xPeke, leaving the Nexus a couple of hits away from breaking, WBG falters under the pressure, and G2 gets an Ace and the Nexus.

Beijing JDG Intel Esports Club vs. Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank

The LPL Champions are in a whole different league. Despite BLG being the second seed in the Chinese League, JDG absolutely schooled them. JDG Ruler, as Kalista, supported by JDG Missing, as Renata, steam-rolled the vice champions with ease.

BLG are a force to be reckoned with, but the clear favorites are JDG.

Dplus Kia vs. kt Rolster

Another match between two squads in the same region—it was time for another LCK face-off. kt Rolster played a very powerful early game and capitalized on it. KT expanded the gold essence so well that even with DK having better positioning, KT still won the teamfights. Despite the 2022 World Champion, DK Deft, being on the side of Dplus Kia, kt Rolster got a clean victory.

Our MVP for Day 2 is LNG Scout as Azir!

Worlds 2023 MVP Swiss day 3 LNG Scout

The Swiss Stage Day 3, 4 and 5 Draw

This draw gave us the match-ups for the 2-0, 1-1 and 0-2 pools:

Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage Draw day 3

Stay tuned for more Worlds 2023 news!

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