Worlds 2023 Play-Ins – Day 4: Don't underestimate the ADCs
Welcome, Summoners, to Day 4 of the League of Legends Worlds 2023 Play-Ins! The heat is on, and today, two teams are going home. Let's dive straight into the action!
Movistar T7 versus GAM Esports
Game 1
Sylas became a pivotal focus for Movistar R7's Mireu, scoring early kills and even swiping GAM Esports' red and blue buffs from GAM Levi. However, things took a turn when R7 overextended after an ill-fated pick attempt. GAM managed to recover, collecting kills in every lane. R7's front-to-back strategy backfired hard and only served to boost GAM's team composition, helping them win every teamfight and leading to an explosive finish. GAM secured the Baron buff and swiftly marched into R7's base, sealing the deal.
Game 2
Despite R7's efforts to curb Syndra's snowballing potential, GAM Kati and the rest of the team proved too strong once again. R7 struggled to assert any control over objectives, and the match quickly spiraled out of their grasp.
R7’s overall performance was lacking and left both fans and commentators expecting a lot more out of a Worlds match.
In the final battle, right under R7’s Nexus turrets, GAM Slayder, as Xayah, melts down the enemy team, gets a Pentakill, and marks the end of R7's journey in the competition.
DefonatioN FocusMe versus Team BDS
Game 1
The early game saw only a couple of skirmishes, with BDS's Adam taking control of the top lane. BDS secured multiple drakes, maintaining a slow-burning tempo and firmly holding control over the pace of the game. DFM found themselves unable to change the pace as BDS forced them into a scenario where they knew they would win: traditional front-to-back teamfights.
The match remained relatively uneventful, with BDS claiming every targeted objective without being disputed. A risky engage from DFM in the Baron pit, who finally decided to dispute a Rift Herald, proved disastrous for DFM since Aria was still farming in the mid-lane, leaving his team without an AP Carry and effectively allowing BDS to steam-roll them and dominate the game.
Game 2
DFM gave everything they had in the early game on Game 2, trying hard to establish a strong lane presence, but BDS quickly flipped the game on its head and gathered as a team. BDS swiftly accumulated a substantial lead of 5000 gold, relying on coordinated roams, objective control, and efficient farming.
A dramatic three-man dive on BDS Crownie in the mid-lane ended with the AD Carry taking two kills as he fell, and BDS took this opportunity to boost their effort on the top lane, pushing DFM further into their base. At the 20-minute mark, BDS's 8,000-gold advantage led to a Baron capture and a relentless siege on DFM. DFM, unwilling to bow out, put up a last-effort defense and managed to have their first balanced team fight of the series.
BDS, showing respect, took a moment to regroup and reset before rushing back to their objectives and dismantling DFM in a crucial teamfight at the Baron pit. BDS Crownie's Xayah secured a Pentakill, ending DetonatioN FocusMe's Worlds 2023 dream.
BDS, showing respect, took a moment to regroup and reset before rushing back to their objectives and dismantling DFM in a crucial teamfight at the Baron pit. BDS Crownie's Xayah secured a Pentakill, ending DetonatioN FocusMe's Worlds 2023 dream. For his incredible display of individual mechanics and positioning prowess, the MVP for Day 4 is BDS Crownie as Xayah! |
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