The LoL Worlds 2023 Event is dropping tons of new content!
The League of Legends Worlds 2023 tournament begins tomorrow, and Riot Games just gave us a lot to unpack!
From new skin lines, an event bursting with loot, Nexus Blitz and Arena coming back to the Random Game Mode rotation, and even one of the rarest skins returning to boost your collection, October is going to be an amazing month for League of Legends. Let's get right into it.
ARAM is Saved
In their recent patch 13.21 announcement, Riot made it very clear that they have been listening to the community and that they will be removing ARAM from the Ranked Restriction queues. This means that not only will ARAM remain a safe haven for players who never enjoyed the stressful environment of Ranked, but also that players excluded from Ranked queues will have to play Summoner’s Rift to complete their penalty matches.
Major Jungle Bug Revealed
While looking into patches and big changes for season 2024, Phreak recently revealed that a major bug has been hurting junglers for pretty much the duration of the whole season.
When playing in the jungle, you basically have to start with a jungler starter item, a major boost against jungle monsters but also a nerf to your lane minion XP gains. If you ever need to push a lane or tax a minion after ganking, you only get 40% XP, which scales up to a maximum of 80% at minute 14. According to Phreak, if you finished farming your jungle item before minute 14, when the XP limit was still below 80%, the XP limit would be locked at that value. So, for example, if you finished while your XP limit was at 65%, meaning that you were snowballing like crazy, the game would unintentionally punish you for the rest of the game, and until the end of the match, any lane minions would only grant you 65% XP regardless of how much time had passed.
It's important to note that the role of the jungler has been too strong for a long time now, making jungler players overwhelmingly impactful on any match, while other roles like ADC were almost reduced to a footnote. While the balance team doesn’t believe they should boost ADC for now, they are going to nerf the jungle role while fixing this bug.
Jungle items will now limit your lane minion XP gains to 30%, scaling up to 100% by the 20-minute mark. This means that junglers will be severely punished when pushing lanes or split-pushing early, as they will be wasting tons of XP, but it will also make them commit to the jungle a lot more and help laners resist the impact of ganks better.
New Game Modes and New Skins
Nexus Blitz is finally returning! Riot announced that the game mode will be added to the RGM queue on October 24, and Arena will make a comeback later this year, most likely in December. The best part is that, along with the return of the maps, Riot will be boosting four, or maybe even five, champions with an all-new “Boy-Band” themed skin line.
So far, we know that Ezreal, Sett, Yone, and Kayn will receive these skins, with many players speculating that you can form a full league team if you add a fifth member. We already have Sett for the Top lane, Kayn for the jungle, Yone for mid, and Ezreal as our ADC. Is Boy-Band Taric coming? Due to a leak from Wild Rift’s team, we also know that Kayn will be receiving the legendary skin, and Yone will receive a Prestige version of his new skin, which will also be the second Worlds 2023 Event prestige skin (with the first being Akali).
Speaking of the 2023 Worlds Event, Riot is releasing all the missions at the same time, so you don’t have to wait for the new set to release after completing a mission set, and you can get to the “repeatable” token mission a lot faster.
Brand-New Mythic Content
The New Mythic Shop is coming with Prestige Star Guardian Syndra, Ocean Song Seraphine, Dark Star Malphite, and Porcelain Lux.
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Thanks to Jax’s visual rework, we’re also getting the incredible Neo PAX Jax! Players who had the ultra-rare Pax Jax will get the Neo version for free! The Worlds 2023 event is themed around the new Coven skin line, which will grace us with the amazing Prestige Coven Akali! While a lot of players doubted Akali could fit the team of a witch coven, Riot proved that they’re nothing short of design gods. And speaking of gods, Old-God Mordekaiser is joining the Rift as well! |
Worlds 2023 is going to be an absolute blast of content, amazing matches, and all-around fun for the League of Legends community. Grab your favorite squad’s gear and start cheering!
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