League of Legends YouTuber SkinSpotlights Addresses Season 14 Changes
2024 has only just started, and we already saw MatPat quit The Game Theorists, breaking the internet and the YouTube community’s hearts. Just a day later, SkinSpotlights, the famous League of Legends skin showcase creator, revealed that their content will be significantly reduced starting from LoL patch 14.4. Before you lose hope, we’re still getting SkinSpotlights in 2024, just not as often and not for every League skin, as SkinSpotlights has been working on boosting two new channels that apparently crashed and burned earlier this month, and they need to recover.
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If you've ever found yourself wondering if you should buy a League of Legends skin or not, chances are you've tuned into one of SkinSpotlights' videos on YouTube. Their straightforward showcase videos of upcoming skins have influenced many players in their cosmetic choices, either helping them confirm that this skin is right for them or that they should save their hard-earned cash instead. However, on January 11, SkinSpotlifhgts announced that they would be dialing back their content creation with the release of patch 14.4. League of Legends plans to release more content during Season 14 than ever before, with the introduction of the new Dragonmancer skins and the anticipation building for the Heavenscale and Foreseen Yasuo skins. |
SkinSpotlights had prioritized early access to PBE coverage as well as datamined information for years now, but at the end of the day, that doesn’t make their job any easier, and they came to a point where no amount of early info and fan support can boost their stamina enough to keep SkinSpotlights going.
During December 2024, SkinSpotlights was working on two new YouTube channels that would release new content, most likely related to Riot Games, but due to some unforeseen circumstances in their personal life, they chose to shut down this project for now, without any insight about whether they're planning on returning to it in the future.
SkinSpotlights also explained that they make just over $50.000 per year from the famous YouTube channel, which, considering its popularity, is not a lot, especially since they recently started working with Riot Games directly as a software engineer. With the release of Vanguard for League of Legends, he'll be unable to access older content when creating new videos. |
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According to SkinSpotlights, Riot Games wants to help with the YouTube content since it does boost League of Legends skins’ visibility and popularity; however, there are heavy security measures in place that prevent SkinSpotlights from revealing too much about the upcoming content.
The good side is that SkinSpotlights has confirmed that their Wild Rift content is getting a boost, regardless of everything else.
To wrap it up, Riot might have shut down the two new SkinSpotlights channels before they ever happened, prompting the creator to tune down their investment in their original YouTube channel. No one knows for sure if they’ll leave LoL content behind permanently or if they’ll return to the ranks of League YouTube creators soon.
We really hope that SkinSpotlights can come back with new content and grant us privileged early access to future League of Legends skins that we’ve grown accustomed to. Until then, stay tuned for more League news!
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