All the Changes Coming to League of Legends in Season 14, Split 1
Welcome to League of Legends Season 14! Patch 14.1 is about to hit live servers, marking the start of Season 14, Split 1, and Riot’s road to 15 years of League of Legends.
It’s time to reveal everything new about League of Legends in Season 14, from the Void invasion of the new and improved Summoner’s Rift map to Barn Nashor’s final form. Patch 14.2 will rework the map in every lane and in the jungle, rework nearly every item, add new items, buff Hwei, add a system inspired by TFT’s custom music to Summoner’s Rift, boost the emote system with interactive emotes, and more!
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When does League of Legends Season 14 start?
The patch is scheduled for January 10, 2024, at 7 p.m. UTC (or 11 a.m. PST).
Right off the bat, you can finally get the five new skins joining the Dragonmancer ranks, which will hit the shop at 7 p.m. UTC. The new Dragonmancers include Fiora, Kassadin, Vayne, and Rakan, who will also have a Prestige Edition skin.
Later today, Riot will close down all Ranked Queues, marking the end of League of Legends Season 13, and a few hours later, Season 14 will begin with the ranked queues being unlocked after the patch goes live. Ranked games interrupted by the queues being taken down will not contribute towards your Season 14 rank.
Who is getting the League of Legends Victorious skin for Season 13?
During the first split of Season 14, Riot will reward players with the Victorious Tryndamere skin for players who queued up for ranked games during 2023 Split 2, reaching the necessary milestones in their ranked track progression.
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After Victorious Anivia was awarded during Split 1 of 2023, Riot wanted to make sure they would boost players' motivation to keep playing ranked during the second Split with a different reward. As always, you will get better rewards the higher you rank during the split. To ensure that everyone receives their correct rewards, Riot will disable all transfers until the Season 13 Ranked Rewards are awarded. |
The Void Invades Summoner’s Rift in Season 14
In season 14, Riot will be reworking the Summoner’s Rift Map, which will be boosted by the influence of the Void.
First of all, you can now encounter Voidgrubs and Voidmites in the Baron Pit 5 minutes after the match starts. Once you engage them, the Voidgrubs will spawn 4 Voidmites, their minions, every 12 seconds until they are defeated. Each of them has an individual respawn timer of 4 minutes, so you don’t need to take them all out at the same time. By taking one out, however, you will get the Hunger of the Void, a buff that will add bonus true damage to structures to your basic attacks. If you get 5 stacks of the buff, you will also get a Voidmite buddy to help you take out the turrets.
After 13:45 minutes, the Voidgrubs will despawn, and the Rift Herald will take their place.
The new-and-improved Shelly is a mount now! Yes, you can ride the Rift Herald into battle and charge into a teamfight or against a turret. The best part is that if you take down a structure with Shelly’s charge, you can charge again!
At 20 minutes, Baron Nashor will spawn, boosting the Blue and Red, as well as the Rift Scuttler! The empowered “Voidborn Sentinel” and “Voidborn Brambleback” (blue and red, respectively) will take on a void-infused appearance and gain increased stats. Their buffs will also boost your stats a lot more than the regular versions do.
Red and Blue are also getting an extra buff after you defeat the second drake in the game, allowing them to be shared with one ally.
The Void Scuttler will send out a wave upon death, which reveals every ward and champion in a huge area on the map, reducing every ward’s HP to 1 point for a few seconds.
Season 14 Baron Nashor Rework
Now, it’s time to talk about the final boss of League of Legends, Baron Nashor. The legendary lord of the void is getting a full rework, and if you think he was a force to be reckoned with before, you would be wise to remember that this wasn’t even his final form!
Memes aside, Riot is boosting the Baron with three new forms: the Hunting Baron, the All-Seeing Baron and the Territorial Baron. Here’s what each of his new forms can do:
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The new Baron Nashor will also have increased HP and Attack Damage, which will ramp up as the game progresses, up to a limit, to avoid the Baron becoming infinitely powerful and unkillable in the late game.
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Each of the new Barons will have a different Baron pit, with the Hunting pit being the traditional pit we all know, the Territorial pit having two entrances with a wall in the center, and the All-Seeing pit having a T-shape with three entrances that changes the map the most, as seen here. Major Gameplay ChangesRiot Games is making the Summoner’s Rift map overall more symmetric to try and reduce the win-rate differences between the blue and red sides, but after considering player feedback, the new Infernal Drake, with the Infernal Cinder mechanic, will no longer destroy any walls. |
The Summoner’s Rift turrets are getting a health boost and a backdoor damage reduction buff of 80%. This should be enough to avoid Trundle rushing into your base with a Hullbreaker and winning a 1v1 against the Nexus turrets.
Ranked Changes
2023 was a bit chaotic in terms of ranks, with the matchmaking system having a hard time queueing up players due to MMR and Rank not matching most of the time.
To address this, Riot’s making the Emerald Tier smaller to help players queue up with other Emeralds instead and making demotions more common so players who have low MMR can be adjusted to their actual rank.
LP gains are going to increase to an average of 25 LP per game to help players reach their desired rank within each split, and, above Emerald, they will decrease to roughly 20 per game.
Placement matches will now try to put players in the rank that matches their MMR to avoid having players who stopped for a couple of splits from being placed way below their actual rank.
Dynamic Music in League of Legends Season 14
After TFT: Remix Rumble’s huge success, Riot wants to give the Summoner’s Rift music a rework, boosting the excitement of joining a teamfight or clutching a Baron buff.
In Season 14, the music will change depending on your location in the Summoner’s Rift, which will be introduced gradually as the Season progresses.
There will also be a special soundtrack for the Voidgrubs, the Rift Herald, and, finally, for the Baron Nashor. These soundtracks will play after they’ve spawned, with a special combat version starting when you engage them. This means that from now on, you might have a sound queue telling you to go ward the top-side river, or you might find yourself idly farming and wondering, “Why do I hear boss music?”
Don’t forget, Season 14 starts with a rank reset, so if you want to start ahead, click here to get your Placements done with a Challenger player today!
League of Legends Season 14 marks the beginning of a new era for Riot Games and brings a new life that the game hasn’t had in years. Join us on the Summoner’s Rift to start out the first Split of 2024 in the best way possible, and stay tuned for more updates!
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