October 17, 2023

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Bad News for MacOS Gamers: No More Counter Strike 2

Warning: Valve is leaving MacOS users behind and taking Counter-Strike 2 away!

Mac OS Counter-Strike 2

We've got some not-so-epic news for you, especially if you're part of the Apple gang.

So, Counter Strike 2, the game we've all been drooling over, finally hit the streets last month, bringing us an upgraded CS:GO with a load of graphic boosts and gameplay wizardry.

But here's the kicker: if you're rolling with macOS, you're out of luck, my friend.

That's right, you won't be fragging your way through Counter Strike 2 on your Mac anymore.

But wait, there's more! It's not just MacOS users feeling the heartbreak. If your rig is stuck with DirectX 9 or a 32-bit operating system, you're in the same boat. No Counter Strike 2 for you! But chin up, all is not lost; you can still jump into the legacy version of CS:GO and keep those frags coming.

Now, why is this happening? Steam dropped the bomb, saying, "Sorry macOS users, we're pulling the plug on you." They're waving goodbye to support for older hardware, including DirectX 9 and those crusty 32-bit systems. From now on, Counter Strike 2 is strictly throwing the party on 64-bit Windows and Linux systems.

Steam's big brains decided to make this move because, well, hardly anyone was still using these old platforms. According to their stats, less than one percent of all the CS:GO players were rocking those outdated setups. So, to make amends with these now-abandoned players, Valve did something pretty cool. They are launching a legacy version of CS:GO. It's like a time capsule, preserving all the game's goodies, except matchmaking. This relic will get official support until January 1, 2024. After that, well, it will be stuck in update limbo forever.

How can I play Counter-Strike 2 on MacOS?

If you’re planning on going into “full-gamer mode”, maybe it’s time to switch to a Windows PC or boost your setup with some fresh hardware and a 64-bit OS. You can also try installing Windows on your Mac! Although, as Valve commented, any gamer who takes Counter-Strike seriously already has a gaming rig that will handle CS2 with ease.

On the bright side, here's some potentially good news for our Apple aficionados. If you spent most of your CS:GO hours on macOS between the announcement of the Counter Strike 2 Limited Test on March 22 and the full-blown Counter Strike 2 launch on September 27, you might be in line for a Prime Status Upgrade refund. The refund wagon will be in town until December 1, 2023. But, before you get your hopes too high, they won't refund CD keys, gifts, or accounts with bans. Sorry, folks.

If you want to dive deeper into the nitty-gritty details, Steam Support has the full scoop waiting for you on Steam. So check it out if you need all the refund eligibility details.

It's a bit of a downer for our macOS pals and folks on ancient tech, but at least there's a glimmer of hope with that CS:GO legacy edition. It's time to adapt, upgrade your hardware, or switch over to Windows or Linux if you want to be part of the Counter Strike 2 revolution.

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